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Transfer policies
1. Transfer speed policy
Developers can limit the file upload and download speed per Kbyte so that they can set the same speed for all users or set different speeds (high, normal, or low) for different user groups.
2. Resume transferring policy
Developers can easily set the resume uploading and downloading policy among the 3 options: 1) Always overwrite 2) Always resume 3) Ask users.
3. Limit on size, type, number of files
Developers can restrict attached files that exceed the designated size or number to prohibit users from selecting these files, depending on your company's service policy. Furthermore, developers can permit or restrict the selection of designated file types such as GIF, JSP, PNG, etc., in the open dialog.
4. Restrict image size (width, height)
When users attach image files, Exabyter can check the width and height of the image file and can permit or restrict the attachment of the file. Developers can easily set a minimum or maximum width and height as well as the size range.
5. Restrictions to attaching files by MIME-type
Even though some service policies do not allow for the uploading of some file extensions such as .exe, .php, xls, etc., malicious users can change the file extension easily. In order to fundamentally block these attempts, Exabyter analyzes the MIME type of a file. If developers activate this feature and users attach files, Exabyter will extract the MIME type from the file’s header; analyze it and permit or restrict the attachment of the file.
6. Direct/stream download
Exabyter provides two types of download methods 1) Direct download method: If the download files are in the path that the user can access with “http://”, users can download files through the actual file path (URL) directly. 2) Stream download method: In order to download files, users connect only a gateway file like download.jsp.
7. File save path setting
Generally, the file save path is selected by the user. Exabyter enables developers to set a recommended save path or a prescribed save path according to the purposes of the service. After setting the prescribed save path, when users click the [download] button, the download will start right away without asking the user for the save path.
Situational upload events
With Exabyter APIs and situational events such as automated attachment and upload, developers can conveniently develop special usage UIs and link with third-party modules and so on.
Situational download events
Developers can receive and utilize various information (download URLs, a save path that is selected by a user, total file size, total number of files, each file’s name and size, etc.) and easily develop various download UIs. For example, when a user selects files, using the selected download file list, the download can be automatically started.
Allows attachment by link with third-party modules
As the event before attaching the selected files, detailed information (file path, name, size, etc.) of the selected files can be sent to a third-party’s verification module. According to the return values of the third-party’s module, Exabyter can permit or reject file attachments and display messages to users.
DRM auto applied to selected files
As the event before attaching the selected files, detailed information such as the file path and the name of the selected files can also be sent to a third-party’s DRM module. In this process, DRM is applied to these files, the files that are attached by users will be replaced as DRM-applied files. These will then be automatically uploaded to servers.
Update various information in the UIs
With the 2 events that occur after files are attached or removed, developers can easily display and update the attachment information such as the entire file size, the entire number of files, etc. This allows developers to freely customize and implement UIs.
Various upload function buttons
Developers can freely implement various transfer buttons such as [upload], [download], [remove the selected file], [document files browse..], [folder browse..], etc. with HTML Tags such as input type=button.., img src.., a href.., div.. etc.
Restrictions to remove the attached file
2 events occur before and after deleting the attached files. The event before deleting the attached files is commonly used so that the user would not be able to delete the required attached files.
Customize click and double-click events
Developers can customize click and double-click events with various functions such as download, open, execute a file, as well as, show function menus, etc.
Situational transfer status events
Developers can create appropriate display messages for end users or can alternatively implement messages/processes according to various situational events like: the beginning and end of an up/download, network/server failure or cancelation by users, etc.
Supports user authentication
Exabyter automatically communicates with the server using the web browser's user authentication information. Without repeating the authentication process, only authenticated users are able to transfer files in their web business system through Exabyter while the server’s security policy is maintained.
Implements custom POST header
Developers can implement the POST header and use it for various purposes. In order to distinguish specific user’s files in the servers, files sent by the user can be composed of the same POST header. Also, developers can individually designate POST headers for each file, save them in different paths and utilize them for various uses.
Returns error messages
As soon as various errors that occur during the development process are received, such as server-side syntax errors and HTTP response errors; Exabyter will classify the errors and display a message to assist the developer so that they can handle the issue with promptness.
Shorter code, more features
The latest version of Exabyter improves the inconvenience of writing and editing long codes that were necessary for actions like multiple attachment areas on a page, resuming transfers, modify mode, etc. various APIs have also been added and convenience for developers has also been innovatively upgraded.

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