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File transfers between servers
Exacoola is specialized in file transfers between servers; it can transfer ultra-large and mass files between servers in the fastest way. Exacoola ensures file transfers even in unstable network conditions, high server loads, etc., providing the most reliable solution and resolving all kinds of troublesome transfer problems between servers.
Urgent need to improve file transfers
All companies have many servers. In these servers, a lot of files that PCs cannot process are constantly integrated, and large-sized systems and log files are created. However, with existing alternatives, they have never ensured a perfect transfer and take a long time when transferring large files between servers. To work smoothly, more files have to be transferred between more servers. However, for companies that have not prepared for this situation, this issue remains an irresolvable mission.
File transfers are faced with limitations
The mission to transfer only 10,000 files is never easy because there is no appropriate solution to transfer files between servers. However, in business environments, more than millions of files are integrated, stored, and created in servers every day.

Response delays due to transient server load lead to transfer failure. Additionally, a network's natural errors and losses exacerbate these problems. As more files are transferred more often and the size of files is larger, more files will be lost or altered during the transfer, resulting in failed file transfers.

At present, the only transfer alternatives are FTP or the system synchronization command. Due to the inefficiency and instability of these alternatives, it is a better choice for companies to move physical data storage devices (HDD and USB, etc.) through logistics services. To improve these situations, if companies rely solely on an engineer's experience and impose additional efforts and sacrifices on engineers, it does not align with the effectiveness that companies desire.
Limitations of system commands
Current business environments are very different from when system commands (sync or copy) were developed. However, companies without an alternative depend on system commands. To utilize system commands, engineers have to search for appropriate instructions on the internet, apply the methods, and then verify the results. If some problems occur, engineers have to resolve the problems themselves. Engineers who have experienced this situation will remember the anxiety and inconvenience.

Despite all the engineers' efforts, system commands can only utilize a small part of server performance and network bandwidth. Due to the slow speeds, the commands cause only disappointment. Additionally, when the number of files increases, a drastic speed reduction is inevitable.
Limitations of FTP (file transfer protocol)
Due to the name 'FTP (file transfer protocol)', it is often used for transferring files. The way of using FTP is quite ridiculous: engineers install FTP server software in one of two servers, connect to the other server, execute FTP commands, and then connect to the first server again to check all transfer results one by one. Although security issues may seem resolved using SFTP, its speed is much slower than FTP. Moreover, both SFTP and FTP still cause many security problems because they have access authentication and require all servers to open additional ports.

Although the inconvenient use and management of FTP are very similar to system commands, there is no key folder feature that can detect new folders and files. Thus, engineers have to do repetitive tasks and spend too much time on the same file transfer mission. Additionally, it cannot assure a perfect transfer and transfers only at slow speeds.
Synchronization and backup solutions
Despite the high costs, companies are using synchronization and backup solutions for some important purposes due to the importance and convenience of synchronization and backup. These solutions can resolve the inconvenience and the anxiety caused by system commands, but intricate and complicated configuration options present new difficulties.

These classical concept solutions were developed a long time ago, and new options were added continuously. This is the reason why they are very complicated to use. Additionally, they focus only on synchronization and backup functions, resulting in slower file transfer speeds than system commands and FTP. Therefore, these solutions cannot cope with current companies' environments that require transferring large and mass files between servers.
Physical storage movement
To transfer files between servers, system engineers have to resort to traditional methods and accept inconvenience because there is no solution. Although system engineers overcome all kinds of transfer problems through their experience and trial and error, the slow speeds still frustrate them.

In most cases, moving physical storage is faster than spending more time and effort, especially for long-distance transfers. For this reason, to avoid complex problems, almost all companies use logistic services to move physical data storage (HDD and USB, etc.) between domestic and international borders. Even if we disregard slow speeds and high costs, this is still a very dangerous method and challenges companies' security enhancement efforts, putting important files at risk of serious security breaches and loss.
Server additions and their complexity issues
In the live working environment, files have to be transferred between 2 to more than a dozen servers. This mission causes engineers significant stress and wastes companies' time and resources. Although file transfer issues between servers are dealt with by experience and patience of the engineers once or twice, there is a limitation that they cannot be flexible enough to overcome new exceptions that will happen in the future.
Improved awareness about file transfers
To transfer files between servers using traditional methods, numerous prerequisites are needed. However, these methods transfer files at slow speeds and produce only disappointing results compared to the preparation time and effort required. As a result, companies plan to transfer files between servers only in special situations. Exacoola fundamentally improves this awareness of transferring files between servers.

With Exacoola, companies can easily plan to transfer more files between more servers whenever needed regardless of existing limitations. At the same time, system engineers and administrators can entrust the time-consuming and troublesome mission to Exacoola. Featuring the file transfer status monitor of Exacoola, companies have the opportunity to experience the most advanced innovation to improve business efficiency.

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